Thursday, May 22, 2008

Books of the Week — Bob Gill

I love these books so much! And was delighted to find that Phaidon just reissued them. I think Bob Gill is a genius. He was a freelance illustrator in New York before he moved to London in 1960 — where he started a design firm that eventually became Pentagram(!). What a cool guy. I love that he has both Pentagram and awesome children's books on his resumé. Nice.

A Balloon for A Blunderbuss a child starts with a butterfly and imagines what he could trade it for. A butterfly for a wishbone. A wishbone for a flag. A flag for a straw hat. A straw hat for a green umbrella. Until eventually he figures out a way to trade for everything-in-the-world.

What Colour is Your World? there is a simple discussion of how different people view color. A gardener would see things in green. A milkman would see the world in white. And an artist might view color altogether differently.

The style and illustrations are perfection — authentically retro cool. These books would make great gifts for the children of any artsy parents you know.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there.

That's indeed a great book tip. Here's another one.

"Grow your child intelligent and rich" by Andreas Stein.

Stein's a Swiss Entrepreneur and wrote a spirited story of raising kids.

Here's the link:

Check it out. It's a great read!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 2:29:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: Andreas Stein's book can be downloaded as well. It's a print on demand book. I read it and like it a lot.

You can get an extensive preview of the book here:
"Grow your kids intelligent and rich".

Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 2:31:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Sharon Beesley said...

i just pre-ordered those picturebooks from amazon. thanks for the tips design mom!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 3:17:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

such a great pick. have been meaning to get those to add to the collection and you just tipped me over!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 5:57:00 PM EDT  

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