Monday, May 19, 2008

Inspire Yourself — by Guest Mom Amy Sharp

I try and live a wonder filled life. I try and stay true to my artist soul. My family typically creates something each day together. It may be an art project, a poem, or a cake, but we try and use the spark daily. I think the spark is the magic in your day, the energy that can make a bad day good, or a hard day easier.

Before I share a lot of specific projects or ideas that I have for parents and children, I would love to think about inspiration. People email me and ask me how I think of cool art projects and educational lessons and I always reply that I read and I look each day. I am rarely doing anything revolutionary, simply filtering all the amazing inspiration that is out there through my life.

I like to go to this site and dream about mood boards, which can help you come up with magical ideas! The flickr pool for inspiration boards is amazing and I dare you to not start your wheels a turning while looking.
I go to the library weekly and check out tons of activity, art, craft, and lesson planning books like these:
Under Chinaberry Tree

Ginger Carlson

Making Stuff Kids

I keep a basket under my desk of ideas and future wishes and dreams. I tear out magazine articles or scribble ideas and tuck them in there for safe keeping. You cannot do it all at once, but in a year you can do a lot with your child!

I love to browse the web for lovely things to kindle the wonder. I love to go to flickr pages like this one and browse, and flickr is so cool as you can just type in a word like a color or an emotion and just swoon. I love to go to youtube and listen to music from my past as it always makes me feel delirious with passion and ready to tackle a new day.

And then there are the blogs! It is at times too much to think about all of the creative buzz that is flowing round this web. I love to visit my favorite blogs daily and soak up the eye candy and wisdom. I love how I feel when I read my favorite blogs, or discover a new fabulous blog. I feel energized. I feel full of possibility.

Each day is filled with the must do's of life. We must work, run errands, care for others, cook, clean, pay bills, and so on...Why not make creativity a must do for your day too? We are all creative and capable of fostering a sense of wonder in our lives. We must not be afraid to play and learn with our children. We must not be afraid to take the time we need to nourish our souls first. Fill your mind and soul with inspiration and watch it run over into all the parts of your life.

What do you do daily to inspire yourself and your family?

photos from flickr that are lovely/inspire me:

one two three four

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Blogger Our Green Nest said...

It's an incredibly important part of my day - I call it my "blog time" little one is normally asleep in the sling on me whilst I visit all my fave blogs, drink some coffee, and enjoy something yummy for breakfast...It's just some quiet time for myself...and YES, creative time - so inspiring to see all the amazing things that parents are doing out there with their children, with their homes, and just everyone's different ways of life...and I also do the mag tear outs and have many R&H binders full of things to get the creative juices flowing! Tu for the post - thoroughly enjoyed it!

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 11:55:00 AM EDT  
Blogger amy turn sharp said...

thanks! I am headed over to yr blog now!xo amy

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 12:35:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT post, Amy! I'm inspired just reading your words!


Monday, May 19, 2008 at 1:34:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Erin said...

Fantastic! I also looked at the new teethers. I love the ones with the handles! Very cute.

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 2:16:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Joslyn said...

awesome post amy! my biggest "challenge" this past year has been inspiration overload...there's so much good stuff to soak in out there that i have to stop myself from time to time to actually "create" something.

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 3:13:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Deb said...

Thanks for this post Amy!! This is exactly where I'm at in my life and you have inspired me to keep at it.

We just had our first baby and I keep pushing myself to be the best that I can. I love creating and have been designing stationery ever since the little one has arrived. I love it!! And everytime I make something for someone it inspires me to create and design even more. Making people happy makes me happy.

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 3:24:00 PM EDT  
Blogger karey m. said...

you're so right about the wonder and spark! i was just telling one of my girlies tonight...find something that makes you smile, and then keep going.

the smile, i think, is the beginning...

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 3:31:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm inspired! Go AMY! You rock!

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 5:06:00 PM EDT  
Blogger amy turn sharp said...

Thanks guys!!!
I think that it is the most important thing- to be creative and full of life..Our children need us in top form right? They need us to believe in life! xoxoxo to you guys.

Monday, May 19, 2008 at 5:12:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great reminder on a tough day here at home -- the little one's got an ear infection and I caught his upper respiratory infection. I think a little spark and wonder is just what we need today. Hmm... wheels turning...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 11:57:00 AM EDT  

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