How was your Father's Day? How was your weekend?
I loved ours. Here's a report. Saturday, Ben Blair took the kids swimming while I explored vintage furniture stores on Broadway. I'm searching for rocking chairs (more on that later).
On Sunday, Ben Blair received a stripey hammock. Which was promptly taken over by the kids. I helped serve pie to all the men at church — apparently it's a Father's Day tradition in our new congregation. I like it. (And I'm thinking a big stack of Krispy Kremes would have been even yummier and easier. Possibly I'll make the suggestion next year.) We made our favorite sandwiches (they're called 8 to 5's) for lunch and had peach pie for dessert. And made a big pitcher of homemade lemonade so that Ben Blair would have something to drink while he lounged in his new hammock.
Then, late last night we made a huge batch of granola that I'm betting won't last the week and settled the big kids down with a chapter of Harry Potter Six (we're trying to refresh our memories by getting it re-read before the movie comes out).
I was homesick for my Dad. Jordan posted great pictures of my siblings and parents in matching shirts in front of the house I grew up in — and they made me happy.
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i love that hammock! looks super comfy! and would you mind telling me what a 8-5 sandwich is? :)
What a charming post. I loved the photo your sister posted and asked her if you were #7...was I right? So cute that #10 is almost hidden. Wondered if you were going to post an equally charming photo but the mention of the sandwhich was just as lovely. What is an 8 to 5 might I ask?
And the pie on fathers day...must be a West Coast thing. My darling friend hasn't been RS Pres quite a year yet and realized when no one was eating pie in the hall yesterday that it was probably her job...rats.
And last, but not least...Harry Potter here we come! My son re-read the entire series to get ready, then watched all the movies again. He returns from his first scout camp just in time to take a shower (my rule) before we hit the pavement for the theatre.
yeah that family picture with matching shirts was sweet.
That photo is priceless! What an awesome memory to have on film.
A lovely weekend, and what a great family photo! Please share the instructions for making 8 to 5 sandwiches!
Our ward does pie for mother's day and father's day too. I love it!
Kids and hammocks just seem to go together...and bring back memories of when we were kids too! The pictures are beautiful, thank you for sharing.
Yes, please do tell what the 8 to 5 sandwich is...
Happy rocker hunting and "good luck".
I just finished Harry Potter 6 for the same reason! Can't wait until July 15th!
Which number are you? (the picture of your family?)
I am curious if reading the book before the movie will be a bad idea. I did that with the 5th book and the whole time I was watching the movie I was telling myself "that is not how it goes, they forgot this or that, this is nothing like the book..." I left pretty disappointed of the movie. I just watched it the other night on tv and I really enjoyed it because the book wasn't so fresh in my mind. So I will never do that again.
Love those pics!!! Sorry you were homesick for your Dad. {{{HUGS}}}
We got the same hammock for father's day!
Hey! Bob got a father's day Hammock too! But he got a Pawley's Island ropey one. Sure would love to pile all our kids in a hammock together someday.
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