Thursday, May 01, 2008

Let's go to the museum — by Guest Mom Allysha

Did you know there are online museums? Most museums have websites and some even have exhibits online, but then there are those museums that exist entirely out there in a little room in cyberspace. Just google "online museums" and you'll get a good listing for traditional and non-traditional museums alike.

Here are two museums I want to introduce you to today:

First, The American Package Museum. It's a collection of old American packaging for all sorts of things from Scotch tape to Crisco cans to Brillo soap pad boxes and more. Not only is it completely entertaining, but some of the package design is really cool to look at.

Then next up, we have The Museum of Useful Things, which is all about "celebrating the Beauty of Function in everyday objects." The Useful Things they exhibit are beautiful in form and function.

And you can buy some of them, too, if you'd like. Because, truth be told, this museum is also/actually a little store, full of interesting things. But they have a noble purpose. (They do have a mission statement.) You can have some of that beautiful form and function in your own home! Maybe you'll appreciate those mundane tasks of life a little more, now.

(And really, the whole museum/store thing is just a dissertation in the making, I can feel it. Anyone out there studying culture and media? Here you go!)

The actual MUT (as it is called) is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But that does not limit us. We have the internet. So, go! Have a nice stroll through the museum.

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Blogger Nanna said...

I have several of these scotch tape tins. I would love to see this museum. Memories...

Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 3:08:00 PM EDT  
Blogger love.boxes said...

This sounds like such fun!

Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 6:06:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Mumsy said...

Awesome! I needed more places to waste time online. :) This is so up my alley!

Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 6:31:00 PM EDT  

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