Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pirate Pouches

Did anyone else see the Pirate Party goods in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog a couple of months ago?

I just remembered the pirate themed triangle banners and was looking them up. (In my memory they had a really nice exaggerated triangle shape and were made from textiles with lots of good patterns. I wanted to study them a bit.) Alas. They seem to be sold out because I couldn't find them on the website.

But I did find these pirate pouches. So great.
How cool would your kid be at school next fall when she pulls her carrot sticks/pretzels out of one of these? I should probably own these. Me hearties.


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Blogger Tania said...

You may end up with one yet .... Jacob has been really into pirates lately. I'm not even sure how he knows what they are. If the fascination lasts through the summer, Oscar will surely be invited to a pirate themed birthday party come fall!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 10:48:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am late to the party! But I loved thos PBKids penants also. I think you're right...they're no longer selling them. But I did find a photo on their site...I'm hoping to make something similar for my son's party. Here's a link:


Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 5:37:00 PM EDT  

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