Monday, April 02, 2007

Mahar Dry Goods Giveaway Reminder

Well, well. Thanks to some (very kind and unexpected) shout outs over the weekend from

a) Kristen at the authoritative and well written Blogging Baby,
b) Compulsive Writer at the smart and thoughtful Mixed-up Files of a Middle-Age Mind, and
c) Judy at the hip and informative Goody Blog
d) In-the-know Robert at the Mahar Drygoods Blog, (are there others I missed?),

entries to the Mahar Dry Goods Giveaway are over 300. . . and counting. The most entries on a previous Giveaway at Design Mom is 190 — which makes 300+ an impressive leap.

Thank you for participating. More entries seems to translate into bigger prizes, so keep commenting! You have until midnight tonight (Monday) to enter. Just leave a comment over on that post.

Design Mom

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