Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Circa 1974

Monday night, we joined friends for a family night of caroling and visiting a couple of uber-lit houses in the area — our friends call them the Crazy Light houses. The houses are both very modest, but their holiday light displays are out-of-control-fantastic. (Doesn't every town in America have a couple of Crazy Light houses?)

Santa came by for a visit and dropped off slinkys and cans of silly string. Four-year-old Oscar has no Santa fear and likes to have long conversations with him. Three-year-old Betty is simultaneously fascinated and terrified of Santa.

This photo is 4 of the Stanley siblings — Rachel, Sara, Josh & me. I'm the baby. Oscar saw the picture and said I look "very much like a boy."


add to kirtsy


Blogger Mom in Mendon said...

OK, as the mother of those four children I can verify that they really were BEAUTIFUL. This may warn young parents:

1. Don't put off necessary haircuts.

2. Beware of thinking, "It's a disappointing photo but no one will ever see it." : )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 6:34:00 AM EST  

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