Friday, December 18, 2009


One of my new favorite internet spots is the Sub-Studio Design Blog. When I stopped there today, I found this "Dirt Poster" by Roland Tiengco. Go to Sub-Studio to see photos of how it is made. It's brilliant. And made me smile.
(Plus, I like the message. I can't imagine the American obsession with work is always healthy, but as a life-long citizen, it's true that I love the sense of accomplishment when I work hard and get something done. Shall I stand and deliver the pledge of allegiance now?)

If you have time, you should also check out the gorgeous, color-coded Sub-Studio Gift Guide. It will blow your mind. And your head. And your brain.

Thanks for introducing me to Sub-Studio, Molly!


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Blogger Molls said...

Yay!!! I am soo happy you liked it! When I saw you were from NYC and loved design stuff, I knew you would find the site as awesome as I do. Don't think I don't spread the word about your site too. I have a reputation of aonly sharing the best of the best.

Friday, December 18, 2009 at 5:29:00 PM EST  

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