Monday, June 30, 2008

Neat Receipts

Do you remember seeing the Neat Receipts? It's a little device that quickly scans and stores receipts and business cards as searchable pdfs. And then it exports the information directly into your financial software files or as expense reports. Pretty handy if you keep track of tax deductions or have a home based business. It's the kind of tool that my order-seeking brain craves. But alas, I've never had the excuse to pick one up, because they're PC-only. And I'm a mac.

So imagine my delight when I heard a version had recently become available for Mac users. Be still my heart.

We just so happen to be in the midst of overhauling and questioning how we keep our financial records. What we'll keep on paper. What we'll keep electronically. How we intend to back up e-files and hard copies. How often we'll update the records. Where we'll store information until we can input it. What we can throw away.

We don't know exactly how our system will fall into place. We're still experimenting. But I'm thinking Neat Receipts is a handy little tool that might help us get where we want to be.

add to kirtsy


Blogger Lauren said...

I totally love Neat Receipts. We use it for business/personal financial records, and I have a HUGE file of recipes/articles/pictures I've clipped from magazines.

Monday, June 30, 2008 at 5:03:00 PM EDT  
Blogger nikki said...

That's brilliant, and since we are mac users as well... this might be a handy tool for us. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 9:30:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Scott said...

I'd encourage you to also check out my ReceiptWallet program at It is a Mac only program that has been out for over 1.5 years, works with a wide array of scanners, and is in use by thousands of users.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 11:55:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought this in January with all the intentions of becoming organized. When I found I couldn't use it on my MAC, it all went to pot! I just downloaded the new MAC software for NR and am up and running...except for the fact that it doesn't interface with Quicken...bummer!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 3:58:00 PM EDT  

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