Featured Editor
Quick announcement in case you didn't see it. Sk*rt has yet another super cool feature. Each week we'll be highlighting a Featured Guest Editor who will share with us their favorite sk*rt links. Sort of like an iTunes Celebrity Playlist. Only cooler and sk*rtier. Our first Featured Editor is the fabulous Kristin Van Ogtrop, Editor of the equally fabulous Real Simple Magazine. You'll be able to see her favorite links — a different one each day — all this week.
Plus, we'd love to hear who you'd like to see as future Featured Editors. Dooce? Martha? Amy Winehouse? Ariana Huffington? Stephen Colbert? Budget Fashionista? JT? Tina Fey? We can't promise they'll say yes, but we'll certainly ask. If you think of someone who would be perfect, please suggest them in the comments below.
How about an editor from Cookie magazine? Lifehacker.com? SFgirlbythebay and the previous editor at the now defunct Blueprint magazine?
I LOVE Heather B. Armstrong and her taste. I vote for her!
A very enthusiastic vote for Dooce. Also: your sister Jordan, Grace from Design Sponge, Victoria from sfgirlbybay, and Amy Karol (aka Angry Chicken).
Great idea, Gabs!
That is AWESOME, girl! I am so excited to see her favorites. I'm going to go see if sk*rt has any cool rss-thingies...I've really been trying to get into it, but it's hard to make it a part of my daily routine without it! It is such a cool resource!
How about the super stylish Debbie Dusenberry: blogger and owner of Curious Sofa in Kansas City? Or marketing/writing guru Naomi Dunford from ittybiz.com? Or Sara Blakely, creator of Spanx?
I also second the motion on Tina Fey, since I am quietly and non-threateningly stalking her on my blog.
Pioneer Woman!
Great suggestions everyone! Keep them coming.
And yes, Sarah, sk*rt has all sorts of rss thingies. You can find them in the bottom toolbar at http://sk-rt.com
2 thumbs down to dooce.
2 enthusiastic thumbs up to your sis, jordan.
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