Friday, September 28, 2007

Little Black Book of Style

From time to time I've mentioned my adoration of the Project Runway series — far and away my favorite of the reality shows. I've also mentioned my respect/crush for Tim Gunn and his new show Guide to Style. But frankly, in all my love for Project Runway, I haven't given Nina Garcia, one the judges, much thought.

So when I heard about her new book, The Little Black Book of Style, I thought it was time to give Nina some dedicated attention. That. And the fact that, like I mentioned, I'm really trying to step it up in my daily dressing and I thought this book might help.

And it does help! Things I like about the book: It's beautifully printed. There are fantastic illustrations by Ruben Toledo throughout, making it a pleasure to read. Her description of growing up in Columbia with fashion-forward parents. Her discourse about the difference between fashion and style. Her chapter on inspiration — a list of classic movies to watch and what to watch for. Lots of helpful advice and it's pretty enough to leave on the coffee table.

Mostly, I love getting a better idea of how someone who loves fashion and has studied fashion, thinks about fashion. Something about becoming a mother makes many women want to improve their wardrobe, this book offers some great advice to do just that.

Update: Want even more info on Nina's book? I just noticed that the super-smart Girl con Queso wrote about the same book last week.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that you mention that "becoming a mother makes many women want to improve their wardrobe". I've never been one to care much about my wardrobe, but now that I am about to become a mother in 3 weeks that is almost all I can think about. I think too that it has to do with the fact that I'm having a little boy, something is now pushing me to wear earrings, paint my toenails, and wear a necklace. I think that I should read into this book as well! Thanks for the post!

Friday, September 28, 2007 at 1:08:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, love Project Runway. And I adore Tim Gunn and his guide to style. Although I must admit I don't own the "ten essentials." And I still don't understand how they made that poor mom throw out all of her capris and expect her to only wear cute, tea party dresses. I mean, couldn't they throw in a couple sleek pairs of bermuda shorts?

Per your recommendation, I will check out Nina Garcia's new book. I love your site. You recommend beautiful things.

You can find me at

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 11:23:00 PM EDT  

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