Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ask Design Mom: Antique Rattles

Ask-Design-Mom Question:
Hi Gabrielle,
My name is Maria Marquez, and I'm from La Jolla, California. I'm emailing you in hopes that you might be able to help me find a silver baby rattle. The rattle I'm talking about was in the movie Nanny McPhee? Baby Agatha has it through out the movie? I've been searching the web like a mad woman, and have had no you think you can help me find it? Thanks! Maria Marquez

Design Mom Answer:
Hi Maria. Thank you for sending such a great question. The art direction in Nanny McPhee is so beautiful and that rattle is amazing — I can see why you'd want one.

I haven't been able to find a source on an exact replica, but if you search Ebay for "silver rattle" and go under Antiques you should find some similar. Also you can search "victorian rattle" on Ebay and you will find a bunch.

Try here and here.
Good luck on your rattle quest. And Design Mom Readers, if you know any good sources, by all means, hook us up!

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Blogger allison said...

If you live near some antique stores, you could let the owners know what you're looking for. Perhaps they might come across one at an auction or estate sale.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 9:03:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I like the silver rattle from Tiffany & Co. Despite being a lot of money - it is very cute.

Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 5:33:00 PM EDT  

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