Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

Happy 2007!!!

Once a month, Ben and I hold interviews with each of the kids — well, right now, it's really just the older 3. We try to get a sense of how they're feeling about life in 4 areas: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. We have a journal set aside where we keep notes from the interviews. As the year changes, we use the same notebook to record our kids resolutions.

Yesterday was resolution day. To help my kids get started thinking about the coming year, they get a short reminder (read: lecture) about what resolutions are for — to become better people. Then, I offer them prompter questions to get them started:

This year, I want to learn: __________
I want to read: __________
I want to make: __________
I want to visit: __________
I want to change: __________
(The change prompt is supposed to help you think of something like a bad habit you'd like to get rid of.)

I want to be better at: __________
Most of all I want: __________

The notebook is also wonderful for the kids to see how much they're growing and changing. Olive who is 5, was laughing at how unsophisticated she was at age 3. See for yourself:

Olive's 2005 resolutions:
I want to learn: ballet
I want to read: Aurora coloring book
I want to make: Snow White or Aurora out of clay
I want to change: my pink nightgown to purple
I want to visit: Grandma
Most of all I want: a Belle dress with a headband, gloves and slippers

Olive's 2007 resolutions:
I want to learn: ballet, again
I want to read: all kinds of books
I want to make: a playdough horse
I want to change: (she couldn't think of anything she wanted to change)
I want to visit: Emily Dowdle (a neighbor)
Most of all I want: an Ariel barbie

As I was looking through the notebook yesterday, I was embarrassed how few interviews we managed in 2006. Which leads me to my first resolution . . .

Pic from Getty Images.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely. :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006 at 11:26:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful idea! I think I'm going to try this with my family. Funny, my daughter is four and she's about all the same things right now... ballet, Ariel, and horses.

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 3:23:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great idea! i need to do that with my kids.

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 12:42:00 PM EST  
Blogger Stepi said...

I love this idea! Helping the kids focus in on ideas is excellent. I want to try it!

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 4:03:00 PM EST  
Blogger Tania said...

My Dad always had a "PPI" with us once a month. I've tried it hit & miss with my kids, but never thought of keeping notes - what a great idea! Definitely one for my resolutions.
As for Olive's visit - we'd love her anytime!

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 4:03:00 PM EST  

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