Monday, October 23, 2006

Introducing Emily Clark Spencer

A great big Design Mom welcome to Emily Clark Spencer. Emily and I met because our husbands are longtime childhood friends — and thank goodness, because Emily is a wonderful person to know. Accomplished in a dozen ways, Emily is a nurse professionally, mother of 3 and expecting number 4 in a few months. Emily grew up in a home where creativity and art were expected of every member of the household and although she protests that she's too left brained, plenty of artistic ability permeates her life, as you'll see from her posts.

Emily spent the last several years in Hershey, PA and Stanford, CA while her husband finished his medical degree. Recently, she just bought her first home and now faces the awesome task of furnishing and decorating. Most importantly, Emily's ham recipe is a family favorite among all of my 8 siblings and even made the Stanley Family Cookbook. They call it Gabby's ham, but really it's Emily's ham.
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Blogger Bek said...

I love Emily. I didnt' know about #4!! Congrats. :-) We miss you and I know I didn't take advantage of you like I should have while you were here....

SO excited to hear the ideas she has......

Nice picture!!

Monday, October 23, 2006 at 11:28:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are too sweet! We definitely didn't get together enough. You are a talented and amazing person! You recognize the picture? It's the only nice one I had :-)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 10:27:00 AM EDT  

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