Monday, July 07, 2008

From the archive: Rose's Lime Syrup

After reading The Jolly Porter's post on drive-inns, my burger cravings have been in full-gear. Drive-inn options in the New York metro area are basically non-existent. I have to head upstate about an hour and a half before I hit a good one. And even then, their offering never quite lives up to my daydreams of a Ripples Lime Freeze.

And so, I've taken to making Lime Freezes at home. Vanilla ice cream, Sprite and Rose's Lime Syrup make a pretty close approximation to the genuine article. Bonus for me: the bottles are so pretty to have in the pantry.

Originally posted on August 1, 2006. Also. Very much looking forward to enjoying a genuine Ripples' Lime Freeze in a couple of weeks. Yay for summer ice cream concoctions!


add to kirtsy


Blogger simply kris said...

Larsen's frost top. It may not be the best- but it's a staple when I go back home for visits! Ohhhhh Hire's in SLC-let's go when you are here!!!! We'll make it a kid date~

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 11:19:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Emily S. said...

saw the Clark's at the parade - wanted to plan a get-together. Is it possible to think we could ALL get together? That would be so fun!

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 4:46:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Sawyer's Mommy said...

We love making Cherry Lime aides with the Rose's Grenadine. Just mix a picture of limeaide, add Sprite and some Cherry limeaide. Yum! It is my favorite drink. They also sell them at Sonic drive thrus, but I had my first at the Virginia State Capitol snack bar.

Early on in my pregnancy, I lived on limeaides to help with morning sickness.

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 9:54:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Lori said...

I love Ripples! It's just around the corner from my parents' home. The guy that works there looks the same as he did 20 years ago.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 1:42:00 PM EDT  

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