Monday, July 07, 2008

Gone Fishing

I'm on my way to Girls Camp this very morning — looking forward to stretching my tent-pitching muscles. I'll be posting from my archives all week so that you still have something interesting (hopefully) to greet you if you stop by.

And if antique posts aren't exciting enough, I've also been invited to be a Guest Poster this week over at the super-cool shopping blog Mighty Junior — edited by the talented power-house duo of Melissa Summers and Maggie Mason. How fun is that!?

I sent over a whole bunch of picks
right before the holiday weekend. All really wonderful items that I haven't yet featured on Design Mom. So I hope you pay Mighty Junior a visit and check it out and say hello.

Also. Wouldn't it be amazing if camping meant sleeping in the lovely tent featured above? Makes me want to colonize something. Here's a peek of the inside:

Tent photos via poppytalk. Tent by Tentsmiths.
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Blogger The Nixons said...

That is an amazing tent! My family and I went camping this weekend and that would have been so great camping luxury style!

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 10:49:00 AM EDT  
Blogger KJ said...

that's my way of camping for sure, the the regular way isn't so bad. Went to Girls Camp myself a few weeks ago and survived.

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 11:22:00 AM EDT  
Blogger pat said...

All I can say is that if those are the tents they had at Girls' Camp, I might've signed up years ago! ;-) (I'm LB's mom)

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 8:22:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jen I said...

Ok, girl's camp again? Brings back memories. My first meeting of Gabby - sharing a tent with the then-pregnant lady, right? I thought you'd graduated from that! Ok, and I'm glad to see you have some help around this summer. I desperately want some too, but your life makes me even more dizzy than mine!

Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 11:43:00 PM EDT  
Blogger clockworkpink2 said...

That tent looks exactly like a tent I stayed in at a girl scout camp when I was little. Only we had cots and not a nice comfy bed. I remember it being pitch black, once you went to bed for the night you wouldn't want to have to wake up to use the bathroom!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 12:05:00 AM EDT  

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