Friday, December 07, 2007

Toby & Rei

If you read CJane, you may have noticed her post about how she'd like to dress her forthcoming baby boy: "I plan to dress my baby to look like a baby which means that I am somewhat (very) picky. No to khakis, jeans, and heaven forbid--HEAVEN FORBID--anything with bow ties. Yes to knits, soft cotton and kimono tops. No to anything with race cars, frogs, trains, dinosaurs, or turtles. Yes to plain layettes, gowns and bodysuits. No to shoes. Yes to booties. Basically, I fantasize about raising this man-child of mine by putting him in a plain white onesie everyday and to hell with the rest."

Although the general population may not be as (admittedly) picky as CJane is, think she is not alone in wanting her baby to look like a baby — but it can be harder than you might guess. And if were even a few short years ago, I would read CJane's wishes and think to myself: Good luck with that. And give a deep sigh.

But it's 2007 my friends. And having babies is so popular, and there are so many excellent options now, that if you so desire, you can keep your baby dressed like a baby until he's 10! Or at least until he's size 6T.

This is a long way of saying that I love the simple, undyed clothing options that have been cropping up lately. One of them that I find very appealing is Toby & Rei. First, they're all about sustainable. Organic cotton. Lots of bamboo. Second, their designs are simple and clean. Their palette is muted and gorgeous.

Look at their cozy robes. I'm craving one for Oscar in celery or pebble gray. And their blankets! I've held one of these in real life. They are thicker than a typical baby blanket. Super soft. And just the right size. Perfect to cozy up your baby in this winter.

I know I won't remember, but in a couple of years, when CJane's boy is toddling around, I hope I remember to send her a Toby & Rei robe. Simple. Unadorned. Perfect.


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Blogger KJ said...

I agree 100% with CJJane, and wish I'd known about these things when my little M was a newborn (now 15 months). I really struggled with sweet, soft, easy, BABY clothes.

Monday, December 10, 2007 at 1:18:00 PM EST  

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