Monday, December 03, 2007

Holiday Giveaway Week — Final Five Winners

Happy Monday. I'm going to announce the final five winners right away. But first, I want to declare Holiday Giveaway Week a rousing success — all thanks to you. If you hadn't participated, it wouldn't have been nearly as exciting. So really, truly thank you. And if you didn't win, don't despair. I host Giveaways frequently. In fact, there will be another really good one this week, so stay tuned.

And now. The Day Five Giveaway Winners are:

17) Cake Pedestal and Minis from Nora FlemingJenni who said, "lovely"

18) Neat Receipts worth $230 — laurie who said, "i would LOVE to be able to rid our house of receipts. love."

19) Baby Star Crib Bedding Set valued at $380amy sahba who said, "beautiful!"

Necklace and Ring from Twisted Silver JewelryMMW who said, "The bracelet is calling my name."

Bonus 21) Radio Flyer All-Terrain Wagon from Back to Basics ToysHenry Gibson who said, "Perfect to take to the park this Summer...with baby #2 on the way it would be so handy! Thanks for all these fun giveaways...even if I haven't won any of them it is still fun to hope!"

Congratulations you wonderful winners! Please email from the link on my blog with your shipping address and I'll send it to the sponsors right away. Merry Christmas from Design Mom.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't win - but I had fun - and- you introduced me to lots of new products and retailers, so Thanks!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 11:06:00 AM EST  

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