Saturday, December 01, 2007

Plymouth Report

Olive hanging with Pilgrim Goodman Brown.

We arrived home from Plymouth last Sunday, and it's been so crazy with all the Giveaways this week that I haven't taken a few minutes to report. And I have lots of emails asking for details. So here goes.

We loved Plymouth. The little town itself is wonderful. Very small and walkable. It feels like every building is centuries old and brimming with stories. Plimouth Plantation, about a mile from town, is also very well done.

The Native American homesite was my husband's favorite. Members of the Wampanoag tribe tell you about their ancestors and show you how traditional boats and homes are made. At The Pilgrim village, you can enter the homes and visit with the Pilgrims who answer exclusively in Old English. I couldn't get enough. It was fascinating.
They even have a replica of the Mayflower in the harbor that you can board and explore.

Maude and Betty playing a version of bowling at the Pilgrim village.

It was the perfect kind of trip for school age children because the Thanksgiving story is so familiar to them. Our 6-year-old, Olive especially loved it. She felt like an expert.

Climbing on a Pilgrim bed.

We would do this trip again in a heartbeat. You can see more images of our trip here. (I'm not saying they're extraordinary photos, but I'll bet my mom will like them.)

Bonus: after our time in Plymouth we stayed in our friends' house outside of Providence for a couple of days while they were away for Thanksgiving. We've never done something like that before (stayed in a friend's house while they were away) but it was awesome. Their house is gracious and comfortable and we both have kids the same age, so we felt right at home. Plus, Jenni is an amazing cook and working in her kitchen is a delight. Every tool she owns is quality. We also discovered that we like their DVR system way better then ours.

The only downside was not getting to spend time with the our friends.


add to kirtsy


Blogger Mom in Mendon said...

YES, your mom loves the photos. Sounds like a perfect TG outing, climbing all over the Mayflower, etc. Thanks for posting.

Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 1:13:00 PM EST  
Blogger MamaChristy said...

Super cool. I'll file this away for future family vacation ideas. Glad you had a good time.

Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 3:21:00 PM EST  
Blogger Andy said...

You stayed at Jenni's and we didn't even get to say hello. Next time!

Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 6:08:00 PM EST  
Blogger Cari said...

What a great opportunity for your children! That would be awesome someday. Thanks for sharing!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 12:38:00 AM EST  
Blogger Shawn said...

Hi, I have to admit that I found your blog thru the give-aways, but I read thru the rest of your blog and now you in my favorites... Anywho, this trip looks like one that you could never forget! If I am ever on that side of the country I will have to check it out!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 1:15:00 AM EST  
Blogger Peter N. Jones said...

Sounds like an excellent trip. If readers are interested, there is a great new book out written by two Natives that covers the pilgrims and Native relations called A Cultural History of the Native Peoples of Southern New England: Voices from Past and Present. It is very informative to read about this time from a Native perspective.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 8:11:00 AM EST  
Blogger Amanda Conley said...

So funny, 'cause I have some VERY similar pictures from when I was a kid! In fact, the one where the two Indian guys are in the background is almost identical to one we took except different kids are in the foreground! That was a great trip! I hope your kids remember it as much as I do!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 10:16:00 AM EST  
Blogger Amanda Conley said...

Oh,and I'm sure the American Indians are actually different guys too, 'cause that was probably twenty years ago....

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 10:18:00 AM EST  
Blogger Liz Stanley said...

sounds like a perfect thanksgiving to me!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 1:35:00 PM EST  
Blogger Cape Cod Washashore said...

So perhaps might a trip to Cape Cod be on your agenda someday (not much farther than your drive to Plymouth)! =) TONS of things to do with kids here. With four of my own kids, I could give you tons of ideas! ;)

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 7:58:00 PM EST  

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