Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jill Platner — by Guest Mom Andrea Scher

One of my favorite jewelry designers has always been Jill Platner.
Her forms are organic (inspired from nature) and truly elegant. I had been dreaming of a piece of hers for years and finally got a wonderful little bracelet this year for mother's day. Thanks Matt!

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Blogger Mom101 said...

LOVE! Love love love!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 8:39:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. So Andrea? This is all a little too weird for me. So much so that I'm going to spill all my weird you-and-me linkage right here on Design Mom's lovely blog.

First of all, one of my all-time best friends, Ric O'Connell, came to my house a few years ago wearing one of your awesome Superhero tshirts (a black one). He wore it all weekend and I fell madly in love with it. Never forgot it.

Then, one of my other all-time best friends Larry Dew started a blog and lo! There you were, with me, in his links list!

Then you recently wrote on your blog all about your good friend Jonatha Brooke. I was a designer at Blue Thumb records back in the day, and was one of the designers of her first solo album. I love Jonatha. Her second solo album, 10 cent Wings, is one of my desert island discs.

Then you show up as one of Design Mom's guest bloggers. Design Mom is not only one of my favorite bloggers, but also one of my favorite people. She's one of my desert island bloggers.

And now? You write a post about Jill Platner? Jill's former roommate and BFF was the sister of my college roommate and BFF, who lives in SF and is also very close friends with Ric and Larry. Susan Sueiro? Not sure if you know her. So when I lived in NYC and Susan would come visit, we would always go see her sister and Jill and hang out in their awesome loft in NoHo. I have a Jill Platner ring (c.1994) that I cherish, and she outfitted us all in her signature spiny necklaces at Susan's wedding in 1996.

Whew. That's enough for me. Sorry to bore the rest of you with that. And thanks Gabby for letting me hijack your comments section with this long personal note. But when I saw that Jill P. post today, my head nearly exploded.

Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 12:44:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Louise said...

Andrea, just visited your web site... ur designs are fabulous..and as for the pics of your wee boy... gush....

Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 8:12:00 PM EDT  

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