Thursday, May 31, 2007

Book of the Week: Sock & Glove

I'm so enamored with this book
by Miyako Kanamori. I've totally got a book crush.

The cover is charming and I opened it expecting a simple but excellent how-to book, and found it was so much more. This is no skimpy volume. Before the instruction section even begins, the author spends the first 40 pages introducing us to the 13 different sock-and-glove animals — and their outfits — through a happy story and excellent photography.

The creatures,
including monkeys, elephants, piglets, bunnies — even a fish, have the perfect detailing and are just too yummy for words. It's my two-year-old's new favorite book.

I can't say enough about the photography and styling. Just a really well-done book. I wish I could show you every page.

I haven't tried my hand at making any of the toys yet, but I have been setting aside potential sock candidates. I'm thinking these could be fun for my older kids to make and give to the babies. We'll see. . .

Find it here from Penguin Publishers.

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Blogger bedelia said...

i can't wait to check this out. I'm always looking for new things to make.

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 3:49:00 PM EDT  

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