Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ask Design Mom: Where to Find Ric Rac

Ask-Design-Mom Question:

I am redoing my daughters room so she can share with her new baby brother. l wanted to sew rick rack trim onto a white crib bumper (like they used to carry at PB Kids). I need some specific colors to match the new quilt I'm making for my daughter's bed and can hardly find any ric-rac anywhere and no color selection. Any ideas? -CW

Design Mom Answer:

Hi CW. Congratulations on the new baby! I'm so glad you've got a project involving rick rack. In fact, what project isn't improved by rick rack? One online source for trimmings that was highly recommended to me is Farber Trimming Corp. But their website is not the easiest to use. You can find the basic ric rac link here. Then you have to download their rick rack color card to see the colors and varieties available. I can't tell if there are minimum yardage requirements.

Their vast selection is featured in the photo at top. The left shows all the different thicknesses. Apparently, each width is available in the colors in the right two columns. That's a lot of choices. And when it come to ric rac, choice is good.

Just looking for a little bit of rick rack? JKM sells prepackaged ric rac and quite a few colors here.


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Blogger Stephanie said...

I think I saw some at the Ribbon Jar (online) but I could be mistaken. It's definitely worth looking at regardless.

Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 8:53:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Fairlightday said...

I adore ric rac and use it on so many of my projects now. Thankfully my local quilt store sells three different sizes and about 10 different colors, but I will bookmark the links in case there is ever a color I need and can't find locally. Thank you for sharing!

Friday, September 21, 2007 at 7:56:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

ebay is a wonderful source for vintage ric rac - cheap.

Friday, September 21, 2007 at 9:34:00 PM EDT  

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